Thistle Finch Distillery

417 West Grant St.
Lancaster, PA 17603
Phone: 717-478-8472
Region: Dutch Country Roads

At Thistle Finch, you are invited to experience a hidden world where nostalgia and libations rule. Only a short walk away from the heart of downtown Lancaster, the tasting room provides a rustic yet elegant destination away from the distractions of modern life. Step back in time with a classic rye whiskey cocktail, indulge in other specialty cocktails crafted from a unique range of house-made infusions, or enjoy free samples of distinctive, small batch spirits. There are many ways to experience Thistle Finch—whether you are looking to learn about the history and process of distilling, searching for a new spot to go out with friends, taking a tour, or you just want to relax with a drink and some quiet conversation.

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