In the blink of an eye, Social Media has gone from a marketing buzzword to a highly potent and effective way to reach today’s consumers - providing highly customized, personalized, and targeted information to individuals who actually want to hear your message. This is the true power of Social Media.
In contrast, traditional marketing tries to reach the widest audience possible, hoping that some fraction of the audience will be interested in and motivated enough to purchase the product or service being advertised. In the infamous words of John Wannamaker, "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half."
Marketing through Social Media channels employs a completely different paradigm from traditional marketing - targeting very small communities of consumers who are deeply interested in and receptive to messages tailored to their particular interests and passions. Under the social media model, individuals from those communities take the messages they've received and are interested in and share them with others within their social media networks with similar interests. Those individuals, in turn, share the message with still others and so on. As a result, marketing through social media channels immediately reaches those most interested in and most likely to purchase a particular product or service or, in the case of tourism, visit a destination, with the message spreading outward as it is shared and shared and shared to a much larger audience.
The Pennsylvania Tourism Office is committed to taking full advantage of the power of Social Media. We use a number of the media’s main communications channels, including Facebook, X, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube, for the inside scoop on the latest happenings around Pennsylvania. You can see what we're doing in the various social media channels by clicking on the following links .
Let Us Promote Your Events on X, Facebook, and Instagram
Our social media team shares several posts on Facebook and X each day. We are always looking for new, interesting, and fun events to include in these daily updates to Pennsylvania's dedicated followers.
If you have a story you’d like to share via the Tourism Office's social media channels, please send us a message to [email protected]. We’ll do our best to include your message on Facebook, X, or Instagram.