Bushy Run Battlefield

1253 Bushy Run Road
Jeannette, PA - 15644
Phone: 724-527-5584
Region: Laurel Highlands

The Battle of Bushy Run was a pivotal turning point in the nation’s history. On August 5-6, 1763 Native American warriors, rebelling against British encroachment onto their lands and injurious policies and practices, battled a contingent of British soldiers in the area of Bushy Run. The British soldiers prevailed, dealing a serious blow to the Native American uprising known as Pontiac’s Rebellion and their attempt to halt Britain’s growing influence in North America. At the park’s Visitor’s Center, view interpretative exhibits and short film, then take a guided or self-guided tour of the 213-acre battlefield to picture for yourself the combatants’ positions and maneuvers.

Photos courtesy of the Laurel Highlands Visitors Bureau

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