Punxsutawney Phil Predicts More Winter in 2023

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Punxsutawney, PA – Pennsylvania’s very own world-famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil predicted more weeks of winter after seeing his shadow this morning at Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney.

This marks the 108th time Phil has seen his shadow, calling for a few more weeks of winter, during the 137-year-old tradition.

“It is an honor for me to be here today with the world-famous weather prognosticating groundhog Punxsutawney Phil,” said Acting Secretary Siger. “We are very fortunate to have thousands flock to the Pennsylvania Wilds each year to await his prediction and to have millions more tune in on television to learn of winter’s fate.”

Celebrated by locals and visitors alike, the annual event dates back to 1887 when a group of groundhog hunters first dubbed themselves “The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club” and proclaimed Punxsutawney Phil to be the one-and-only weather prognosticating groundhog. Since then, thousands of people gather each February 2 to watch the groundhog emerge. According to the holiday folklore, if the groundhog sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter weather. Should he not see his shadow, Phil promises an early spring.

This year more than 20,000 visitors had the opportunity to celebrate in-person with live musical entertainment, hot beverages, and tasty snacks for all to enjoy.

“Every February 2 it’s amazing see the faithful followers of Punxsutawney Phil who gather early in the morning at Gobbler’s Knob. You can feel the excitement and energy from the crowd. Through our online ticket sales, we can now see where our guests are coming from. We sent ticket packets to 46 different states across the U.S. and over 30 different countries around the world,” said Thomas A. Dunkel, President of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. “That’s what makes talking to our bucket list visitors so much fun and interesting.”

This year’s Groundhog Day celebration is just one of the many unique experiences the Pennsylvania Tourism Office is proud to share on visitpa.com and their corresponding social media channels. Visit PA also encourages those looking for their next celebration or trip to grab a copy of the Pennsylvania Travel Guide, an annual guide full of new ideas on how to explore and learn more about Pennsylvania.

“As Phil emerges from his stump each year the world is on the edge of their seats for his prediction,” said Carrie Fischer Lepore, Department of Community and Economic Development Deputy Secretary of Marketing, Tourism & Film. “What’s best, regardless of his prognostication of an early spring or more winter you can’t go wrong with the experiences to be had in Pennsylvania. Whether it be getting out on a spring hike or grabbing a few extra runs of skiing, you’ll have fun pursuing your happiness in PA.”

The Pennsylvania Tourism Office, housed within the Department of Community and Economic Development, is dedicated to inspiring travel to Pennsylvania. From iconic attractions to hidden gems, tourism in Pennsylvania helps support the state’s economy and creates jobs for local businesses – all while improving residents’ quality of life.

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Media Contact:

Penny Ickes, [email protected]

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