Fall Apple Fest

10/04/25 - 10/05/25

Portersville Showgrounds
1512 Perry Highway
Portersville, Pennsylvania 16051
(724) 368-3173
Region: Pittsburgh & Its Countryside
Hours of operation: 8am-4pm
Admission fee: $5/person. Children 11 and under are free

A vintage village, saw mill, cider press, Amish donuts, antique car rally, gas engines, oil field equipment, farm animals, train rides, steam engines, flea market, crafts, food, kids’ pedal tractor pulling, tractor pulls and a steam building are some of the features to enjoy. $5/person. Children 11 and under are free. 8AM-4PM. Portersville Steam Show Grounds. 1512 Perry Hwy., Portersville. 724-285-7038. http://portersvillesteamshow.com/

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