Edwardsville Pierogi Festival

06/07/24 - 06/08/24

John Hopkins Park High St. Edwardsville, Pa
High Street
Main St
Kingston, Pennsylvania 18704
(157) 023-9959
Region: Upstate PA
Hours of operation: 12pm to 10pm Friday, 10am to 10pm Saturday
Admission fee: FREE

The Edwardsville Hometown Committe is now accepting vendor applications for the 10th Annual Edwardsville Pierogi Festival. The festival will be held June 7 & 8th, this year marks the events 10th anniversary and the borough of Edwardsville's 140th Anniversary of its incorporation in 1884. This year will feature over an expected 80 plus vendors, Carnival rides, Pierogi cookoff, Parade, Live entertainment Pierogi Birthday party and Fireworks. Please visit the group website edwpierogi.com for information & applications.

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