Family Fun Fest - Layer the Walls: Midcentury


Repeats: None

Winter Center
60 W. Cottage Avenue
Millersville, Pennsylvania 17551
(717) 871-7018
Region: Dutch Country Roads
Hours of operation: Lobby Activities-12:00pm, Doors-12:30pm, Performance-1:00pm
Admission fee: $12 / $7

What if you discovered an old apartment covered with forty layers of wallpaper? What if each layer revealed the stories of past tenants? Explore the living history of a tenement apartment in New York City that was once home to hundreds of new immigrants and migrants. Shadow and rod puppetry, along with half masks, bring to life the stories of Jewish, Chinese, and Puerto Rican families between the years of 1930-1970—stories that have shaped the America we know today. • Free children's activities begin in the lobby at 12 p.m. $12 Adult | $7 Student | M.U. Students FREE with I.D.

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