Debbie Wojciechowski, Evidential Medium


Repeats: None

Eichelberger Performing Arts Center
195 Stock Street
Hanover, Pennsylvania 17331
(717) 637-7086
Region: Dutch Country Roads
Hours of operation: 7PM-9PM
Admission fee: Tickets: $35.

Debbie will deliver messages to random audience members and will present evidence that our connections with our loved ones continue after death. Even if not all participants receive a message, they will gain an understanding of spiritual communications and the connections that are possible. Debbie Wojciechowski holds a Master of Science degree from Johns Hopkins University. She enjoyed a 25-year federal law enforcement career and is an acclaimed and certified Evidential Medium. An Evidential Medium is an individual who can communicate information with Spirit. This information can be unequivocally verified and is evidence of the human soul’s survival beyond this physical life. Debbie’s federal law enforcement experience coupled with her mediumship gifts enable her to now consult on cold cases and missing persons’ investigations. Since her professional career included extensive work in the areas of mental health and grief counseling, she can often draw on this background during sensitive readings.

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